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Altrux was established in 2006 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. We are a family owned and operated business. I enjoyed my early career in information technologies as an Apple Macintosh expert in the executive office suite industry, then home educated our three children. Now I manage the day to day operations and accounting along side our Vice President of Operations, Jacqi Hoang. Jacqi worked for my father long before Altrux, and has been with Altrux from day one as a committed member of our executive team. My husband, Ted King, is President and leader of the R&D, Sales and Marketing arm of Altrux. Ted has enjoyed a 35+ year career in the medical device industry in maxillofacial, spine and biologics. Our oldest son Connor King, graduated college with a BS in Biomedical Science and a BS in Interdisciplinary Studies and was the medical assistant to local podiatrist for over two years. He joined Altrux in 2019 as a clinical specialist and begins the next generation of Kings at Altrux. The rest of the Altrux team are committed professionals who have a passion for our role in the network each physician needs to successfully restore patients to health. Rest assured, we are a family committed to supporting physicians who deliver the very best in care to the community they love.
– Kris King, CEO


Altrux is a company grounded in the values of humility, honesty, integrity, respect, kindness, and a sense of community responsibility. We strive to create eternal value by honoring God in all we do. This is reflected in how we conduct our business and how we care for our employees — our greatest asset. We do not intend to offend, so you can stop reading if this is not your cup of tea. This is, however, who we are and the core of everything we do.

Trustworthy with Integrity 

Altrux will be reliable, dependable, and can be counted on to keep our word. (I Samuel 2:3)

Worth of the Individual 

Altrux will practice the “Golden Rule” in decision-making. We will respect human life, dignity and rights of each including health, safety, and work environment. We are in business for ‘people’, not for our own wealth, power, prestige or ego. (Luke 15:1-7, Matthew 7:12)


The family is the foundation unit of every society. The family has a higher priority than Altrux and its profitability; therefore, we will seek to build it up, not tear it down. (Galatians 6:1-9)

Honest & Truthful Communication

Altrux will strive to be genuine, open and above board in all relationships. We will honestly and accurately report the facts, and be people in whom you can trust. (Colossians 3:8-9)

Responsibility of the Individual on the Team 

Each of us will accept individual accountability for how we carry out our responsibilities. We will aim to motivate each other by praise rather than criticism to create an atmosphere of productivity & freedom to admit individual mistakes in order to accomplish team goals (Ephesians 4:28)

Balance of Work & Rest

Vacations will be encouraged so that proper rest, recreation, and reflection will maximize long-term productivity and effectiveness. We believe in working hard and working smart, but we also believe in the value of rest. (Mark 6:31, I Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Rewarding Productivity

Altrux will seek to reward industrious, innovation, initiative, prudence, and discipline. Our focus is to develop our full potential, the result being reaping rewards for our labor. (Ecclesiastes 5:18-19, I Timothy 5:18-19)

Everyone is Accountable to Authority

Any enterprise must have structure and organization. We recognize that we are accountable to a higher authority (I Peter 2:12-18)

Servant Leaders

Effective leaders at Altrux will be servant-leaders who have found favor because of their passion, vision, integrity and love for physicians and patient care. We are here to support the greater good, even when we do not profit. (Mark 10:43-45)


Altrux will strive to use wisely and prudently the resources with which we have been entrusted. We will support our local community and others who contribute. (I Corinthians 4:2)